As noted in this New York Times article, a small cadre of lawyers, some from out of state, are using New York City’s age and architectural as the foundation for a flood of lawsuits citing violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Suit by suit, the lawyers are forcing this tough and intensely pedestrian city, so resistant to change, to meet standards for accessibility that are more than 20 years old. In doing so, they are part of a nationwide trend: In the last year, 3,000 similar suits, including more than 300 in New York, were brought under the ADA, more than double the number five years ago.
The lawyers are generally not acting on existing complaints from people with disabilities. Instead, they identify local businesses, like bagel shops and delis, that are not in compliance with the law, and then aggressively recruit plaintiffs from advocacy groups for people with disabilities. Read more…