This article and comments put the lie to our health care system being among the best, or driven by the free market. It is politically and economically corrupt and untenable. The benefits that drive much of the hysterics against reform elude the many who have no coverage, and the rest of us, who are billed in irrational ways, ignorant of price until the bill is issued to a third party who ignores it and pays something else, are receiving care that is frequently unnecessary and without positive impact.
The 30-50% more of our GDP that we pay in the US system – as compared to our Canadian neighbors to the north and many other countries we have no problem admiring and vacationing in – is money that could go to education, higher salaries, or any number of other productive uses.
Waste and inefficiencies are not of benefit to any but a few. The zeitgeist is rapidly moving towards recognizing the debacle of our current system and doing something about it. Change is being fought and fought hard, but in the end, facts and data will hopefully win out. It may take longer than some would wish, but the facts that were closely held about excesses and irrationality are now being seen and studied by a wide group. And it is no longer unfashionable or “leftist” to consider and advocate for other options.
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