This article on the dangers of apple juice should pose no surprise to anyone who understands the nature of weight gain. But it flies in the face of “common wisdom” that holds that if it is natural, it is good. Many schools have substituted fruit juices for carbonated sodas in vending machines. If the calories are the same or higher, the only change is that those who now put in their money are believing that they are engaging in healthful behavior by drinking juice. At least before they may have known that they were buying a high caloric sugary indulgence.
Once again, this article underscores the laws of thermodynamics as they pertain to weight: If you take in more calories from food, regardless of the kind of food, regardless of it being natural, organic, or highly processed, the person ingesting it gains weight. If one consumes fewer calories than one expends, again regardless of the source of such calories, one loses weight. Making a virtue out of the nature of food consumed does far less to address obesity related health issues than addressing quantity. Read more…
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